Suna wo Kamu (砂を噛む)

Nov 6, 2017 17:22
There is a Japanese phrase, "suna wo kamu youna omoi" (砂を噛むような思い).

The "suna" (砂) means "sand," the "kamu" means "to bite," and the "omoi" means "feeling," so the literal meaning of the combination is "feeling like biting sand."

Can you guess how this phrase is used?

Today, I will show you three choices, so please think about which one is correct.

A. Extremely frustrating feeling.

B. Feeling that something isn't interesting.

C. Feeling that everything is happy.

This term represents that you feel things are dull because it has no taste.

Therefore, the correct answer is the second choice.


文字どおりの意味は "feeling like biting sand" ですが、実際にはどのような意味で使われるか想像できますか?


A. ものすごく悔しい気持ち

B. 何もおもしろくないという気持ち

C. 狂ったように嬉しい気持ち


No. 1 gm14's correction
  • There is a Japanese phrase, "suna wo kamu youna omoi" (砂を噛むような思い).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The "suna" (砂) means "sand," the "kamu" means "to bite," and the "omoi" means "feeling," so the literal meaning of the combination is "feeling like biting sand."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Can you guess how this phrase is used?
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today, I will show you three choices, so please think about which one is correct.
  • Today, I will show/give you three choices, so please think about/try guess which one is correct.
  • Extremely frustrating feeling.
  • An eExtremely frustrating feeling/ a feeling of extreme frustration .
  • Feeling that something isn't interesting.
  • Feeling that something isn't interesting.
  • Feeling that everything is happy.
  • Feeling exthat revmerlything is happy.
  • This term represents that you feel things are dull because it has no taste.
  • This term rexpressents that you feel things are dull becausend unit has no taeresteing.
  • Therefore, the correct answer is the second choice.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)